Tabla de Contenidos

Simulations with variable OmegaMatter


17 pairs (A+B) of simulations with different values of $\Omega{M}$ Ω . Simulations have $512^3$ dark-matter particles in a comoving cubic volume of $500h^{-1}$Mpc on a side. Values of $\Omega{M}$ range from $0.10$ to $0.50$, equally sampled in intervals of $0.025$. Simulations were run with Gadget-4 [1], using power spectra generated with CAMB [2]. In all cases we use fixed comological parameter for $\Omega_b = 0.05$, $h=0.67$, $\sigma8 = 0.81$, $n=0.96$ and $\Omega{\Lambda} = 1 - $\Omega_M$. The A+B pair follows the paired-fixed approach to suppress cosmic variance [3].

Data available

Snapshot at $z=0$ and Rockstar [4] halo catalogues (ascii and binary)
